This subject came up as a part of a conversation between myself and a writer, who happens to be a registered nurse. Why are hospitals thought of as places as settings for romantic and sexual encounters in fiction? In a very real way, they are not a sexy place at all; they are practical, caring places. Much more concerned with keeping you going than getting you off. Yet there is that air about them. In the 1980’s I did a few discos for nurses, and I can tell you there is a high level of sexual tension. So I can see where the sexual elements come from that we see in fiction. There is also the control factor. The power of the doctors and nurses and the lack of power of the patients. I am sure all of these factors play their part.
I would like to hear any thoughts you might have on hospitals, doctors, and nurses as fodder for your fiction. Either reading or writing.
Another point I would like to make is the idea of disability within romance stories. We had a story out late last year, by Keren Hughes called Safe. It is not that common to feature disability in romantic fiction, and that was one of the reasons I felt so drawn to the story.
I would love to hear your views, thoughts, and stories you might like to share, on the blog, facebook or twitter.
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