I read a sex scene last night in a script I was considering. The scene was made a nice change from the usual fare, which mainly consists of the sexual Olympics in every scene. By contrast, this was a delicately written piece, which read like average people enjoyed making love together. You could feel the connection between the two. It was really very touching. While thinking about it I considered some of the other sex or erotic scenes I had read in submissions. I remember one where the heroin walked across the room taking off her clothes. Sounds simple enough until we got to to the lower half of her clothing. There was a line something like she didn’t miss a step as she took off her pantyhose. When I read the line I thought, you know that doesn’t sound right. I went back to the writer, who disagreed with me and said that there was no problem with that line. I suggested she tried it and I guaranteed her it would look like a scene from Monty Python’s Ministry of silly walks. And that really doesn’t work in a sex scene.
I have a question to ask readers and writers, what is the oddest sex scene you have ever written or read? And likewise, if you are in the mood to share, what was the funniest or most embarrassing moments when making love. In the spirit of sharing and you must remember I was VERY young, I remember spending a little romantic time with a lady, back in my single days. Things were becoming very physical and she started to groan, I assumed I was hurting her ao I kept apologizing and asking if she was ok….. It was only later on, I discovered what a berk I had been.
As always I’d like to hear any of your stories, experience or any views you might like to share. On here, the blog, Facebook, or twitter.