
The Genesis of Amber

Continuing this series of guest blogs.  This is by the author of The Unveiling of Amber,  Viola Russell.

The Genesis of Amber:

From the time I could read, I wanted to be a writer. I’d written stories since I was probably eight-years-old, so I’ve had a writing career of fifty years.  As a kid, I never felt I was limited to one genre, and indeed, I dabbled in various genres.  As an adult, I’ve also never liked to limit myself; however, I find myself writing a great deal of historical fiction.  I admit I love research, but I sometimes venture into the world of contemporary romance as a means of planting my feet firmly in the contemporary world.  Of course, real romance never leaves anyone rooted at all. It confuses, uproots, and sets our hearts pounding.

Contemporary Romance needs to draw in the reader.  There must be a premise, a “hook.” The author doesn’t have the luxury of a lush historical background from which to draw. The setting is often a modern city or a small town. Well, I started out with my own hometown of New Orleans when I developed the idea for The Unveiling of Amber. How would I develop a modern plot when so much of my writing of late had been historical in nature? Well, I drew on two major ideas.  One idea developed from my own experience as a teacher.  Younger people—even those in their early twenties, and especially in their teen years—tend to reveal too much of their thoughts and private life online.  I’ve seen many students in trouble with school administration over indiscreet comments or outright bullying on social media outlets. Amber finds herself a victim of her former boyfriend’s cruelty and cowardice when he betrays her online She then suffers the condemnation of a supposedly “Christian” school and an evil administration that condemns her.

The second idea I drew from my love of music.  Throughout the years, I’ve heard conspiracy theorists debate about John Lennon’s murder. Some contend his murderer didn’t act alone; still others think he survived his wounds and escaped to live on an island in Ireland, off the coast of Canada, etc. These theories gave me the idea to create a Lennon-like figure in the male character.  Not that anyone could be Lennon. No, but Winston Hurley also has a secret and a mysterious past. Then, I threw Amber and Winston together; as always, they spoke to me as my characters do.  Of course, romance is wonderful, but I needed conflict.  Well, throw in Winston’s handsome son. .  .

The Unveiling of Amber

The BVS bookshelf on Amazon

7 Comments on “The Genesis of Amber

  1. Loved reading where your inspiration comes from. I had not heard the Lennon conspiracy theories. They don’t surprise me, though. I would look for him in Canada! LOL. But not cool to leave Yoko alone.

    • Sounds like a great read. I love a man with a mysterious past. Interesting about where you get your ideas from.

  2. Interesting article about your inspiration. While you were writinng Contemporary were you ever tempted to add something historical?

  3. I love diving behind the scenes of how stories or even inventions come about; because, while the way we write a story is the same, one word at a time, how we get there is so vastly different.

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