

I thought it would be nice to chat with our writers, to give you a glimpse of the person behind the story. First up is Jan Selbourne, author of Behind The Clouds.

Q: How long have you been writing?

Since I was at school.  It began with essays and short stories for school assignments and it became a favorite hobby.  Then career, marriage, and children pushed that hobby into the background.  The urge to write seriously began about four years ago.

Q: What was your inspiration for your story “Behind the clouds”?

The inspiration came from reading a small article on how people react under extreme fear and danger.  About the same time, I was researching my family tree and looked closer at two brothers who’d joined the Australian Imperial Forces and served in Belgium and France during 1916, 1917 and 1918. A little anecdote about the brothers, they had not seen each other for six years and actually bumped into each other in the trenches.  Their correspondence and stories only skimmed over what they’d witnessed.  It was only later the public learned of the terrible conditions under which those men served.   The story evolved from there.

Q: What was it about the first world war that made you choose it for the setting for the book?

I chose the setting because the whole world was never the same after that war.  It was meant to be over by Christmas but four years later over a million were killed and injured, dynasties had fallen, old traditions were thrown out and every family was affected in some way.

The other reason is a bit of national pride I suppose, it was the first time Australia and New Zealand fought under their own identities.  Anzac Day is still honored in France and Belgium each year.

Q:  How did you relate to the characters?

I had the characters in my head before the story started.  I had to put them somewhere and Behind the Clouds was born.  Adrian needed to have his snobbish disdain knocked out of him before he could discover his inner decency.  Gabrielle needed to get out of her restricted life to find her inner strengths.  They both needed their heads knocked together to realize how much they meant to each other.

Q:  How does it feel being a published author?

Absolutely marvelous.  A bit unreal at first but a wonderful feeling.

Q:  What do your friends and family think of you becoming a published author?

Very happy and pleased.  I didn’t tell many people until the editing process was completed, so quite a few were surprised I’d written a book and very pleased for me.

Q:  We were both very involved with editing your story, did you enjoy the writing and publishing process?

Glad you asked that question.   I loved the writing and despite all the grumbling and grouching during the editing process, I thoroughly enjoyed the rewriting knowing the story was filling out so well.   When I read the finished product I was thrilled to bits.   I just hope your ears have recovered from the terrible burns during that time.

Q:  What is your next project? And how does it differ from the last story?

My next project is entirely different.  It’s a story set in England when Napoleon Bonaparte was causing trouble in Europe.   Gold is leaving England to finance Bonaparte’s army.  A top-secret operation is underway to discover the source.  Two people meet again after ten years.  Layers of secrecy and a couple of murders thrown in.  Oh, and very deep love is developing.

Thank you for chatting if there are any other questions for Jan please let us know here or on Facebook.