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Another book we have coming out shortly is “Finishing the Game” by MK Smith.   Let me tell you a bit about it. Beth got away. And he didn’t get to finish the game. Ex-cop, turned advisor Jake Complin is hired to profile and help with the capture of a serial killer. It doesn’t take long to realize his obsession is finding the only victim who got away. But she went missing about a month after her attack. Unlike the police, he searches and finds Beth Winters hiding deep in the Adirondack Mountains. Beth is assaulted not only by her immediate...

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur molestie sed tortor id euismod. Phasellus mi odio, pulvinar vitae vestibulum fringilla, dapibus eu sem. Sed consectetur sem ac tortor iaculis, sed sodales est faucibus. Integer nec feugiat justo. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus sit amet congue magna, eget maximus nunc. Mauris mollis magna elementum, varius orci a, blandit est. Vestibulum eget sodales est. Nulla tristique blandit dictum. Fusce volutpat at turpis feugiat lacinia. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam nec lorem mauris. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc porta rutrum purus vel fringilla. Fusce gravida orci sit amet pulvinar viverra. Proin ultrices turpis vitae accumsan eleifend.

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For sure we love to write, but it is more than just wanting to write a succession of words on a piece of paper.  My muse comes from a desire to express thoughts and feelings in a way I find hard to articulate in other ways.  A lot of my creative energy has been channeled into the arts, most of it the fine arts of drawing and painting, but writing vents my spleen in a way that is particularly satisfying. One of the things I love about writing is immersing myself in another life opens everything to possibilities we don’t...

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