


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur molestie sed tortor id euismod. Phasellus mi odio, pulvinar vitae vestibulum fringilla, dapibus eu sem. Sed consectetur sem ac tortor iaculis, sed sodales est faucibus. Integer nec feugiat justo. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus sit amet congue magna, eget maximus nunc. Mauris mollis magna elementum, varius orci a, blandit est. Vestibulum eget sodales est. Nulla tristique blandit dictum. Fusce volutpat at turpis feugiat lacinia. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam nec lorem mauris. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc porta rutrum purus vel fringilla. Fusce gravida orci sit amet pulvinar viverra. Proin ultrices turpis vitae accumsan eleifend.

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It has been a busy week, they are all busy but this week has been really busy.  I have been reading through the stories for the anthology we are putting together on the subject of “First Submission”.  We have also been re-covering our old stories and re-issuing them.  The latest two are very close to me as the first story Toy’s Story written by Robert Cloud was the first cover I did for Black Velvet Seductions. The second story to be re-released was The Crimson Z, a paranormal anthology, this too was largely the brainchild of Robert Cloud.  I was a little...

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There is that old adage that you should not judge a book by its cover. As a metaphor that is fine but in our world that is exactly what happens. To an extent that is what they are there for. I first got seriously into publishing as a book illustrator and cover about fourteen years ago, the cover is so important it is the image that makes a potential buyer pick up the book, then the back blurb is the second hook, then the opening line.  It is the cover that has to grab you though. A while back I...

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