I was chatting with a friend of mine yesterday about the nature of romance stories. From the publisher’s point of view, you pretty well think of boxes that stories fit in, either soft and tender romance, action romance, thriller romance, paranormal romance, erotic romance, Etc. Or even stories that cross over into general fiction. In our discussion, we talked about what happens with stories that don’t fit the boxes. Do you simply choose not to publish them? Because their target audience is hard to establish. As a reader, and I do read a lot, I switch the reading genres all...
In the words of Prince, “Gett off, twenty-three positions in a one night stand”. I consider myself fairly enlightened. As an artist, I have painted erotic images for 25 years, I have been a member of the “Guild of Erotic Artists” for over 10, as a writer I have five erotic stories in print and in my studio I have hosted fetish nights for people into alternative lifestyles, D/s, BDSM, polygamy, transgender, and transvestites. So in the sexual arena, it is unusual for me to raise an eyebrow, though I do have to look things up from time to time. ...
Just a quickie, ha, ha… Where have I heard that before? I am in a reflective mood. Just been outside watering the plants on the patio and it is obvious that it is fall. I love autumn, there is something about the colors the multiple shades of greens, yellows, reds, and browns. A painters paradise. The flip side to that is another year is coming to an end and it is the first time I have really thought about that. All in all, it has been a very productive year with BVS. A new art director, new authors, new readers,...
There is a big connection between food and romance and even the erotic. I remember a scene in the movie 9 ½ Weeks, where the couple found fun in the contents of the refrigerator. Like a good read, The Lover’s Cook Book has some interesting ideas too. There are so many references to the aphrodisiac quality of some foods, oysters, asparagus, strawberries, chocolate, even chili peppers. For me, a special meal would be a filet of salmon, poached in white wine, with a Mary-Rose and shrimp sauce, served with mange tout, and baby sweetcorn. What are your favorite foods, when...
It seems to me that there is almost no subject these days that is taboo. People talk openly about almost every sexual subject. Things most of us considered a little underground, like BDSM, D/s, sex toys bondage and anal sex. To an extent with the advent of the internet and the popularity of 50 shades phenomenon. I have been wondering lately if maybe we missed a trick, maybe we need taboos… When everything is on the menu what happens to the allure of the forbidden? Once upon a time, people talked about “French” as a euphemism for oral sex. It...
Another book we have coming out shortly is “Finishing the Game” by MK Smith. Let me tell you a bit about it. Beth got away. And he didn’t get to finish the game. Ex-cop, turned advisor Jake Complin is hired to profile and help with the capture of a serial killer. It doesn’t take long to realize his obsession is finding the only victim who got away. But she went missing about a month after her attack. Unlike the police, he searches and finds Beth Winters hiding deep in the Adirondack Mountains. Beth is assaulted not only by her immediate...
Dance the vertical expression of a horizontal desire. There is such a strong connection between music, romance, love, and lust. I am surprised it isn’t used more often as part of romance story plots. I would be keen to know your take on music in this context, maybe you and your partner’s tune? The first tune you danced to? Or maybe the music you listen to in the bedroom? I swear to god you have never really made love till you have got it together to the sound of O Fortuna by Carl Orff’s as part of the Carmina Burana. Or...
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Passion in the Pages Author Interview – Leslie McKelvey
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur molestie sed tortor id euismod. Phasellus mi odio, pulvinar vitae vestibulum fringilla, dapibus eu sem. Sed consectetur sem ac tortor iaculis, sed sodales est faucibus. Integer nec feugiat justo. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus sit amet congue magna, eget maximus nunc. Mauris mollis magna elementum, varius orci a, blandit est. Vestibulum eget sodales est. Nulla tristique blandit dictum. Fusce volutpat at turpis feugiat lacinia. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam nec lorem mauris. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc porta rutrum purus vel fringilla. Fusce gravida orci sit amet pulvinar viverra. Proin ultrices turpis vitae accumsan eleifend.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur molestie sed tortor id euismod. Phasellus mi odio, pulvinar vitae vestibulum fringilla, dapibus eu sem. Sed consectetur sem ac tortor iaculis, sed sodales est faucibus. Integer nec feugiat justo. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus sit amet congue magna, eget maximus nunc. Mauris mollis magna elementum, varius orci a, blandit est. Vestibulum eget sodales est. Nulla tristique blandit dictum. Fusce volutpat at turpis feugiat lacinia. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam nec lorem mauris. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc porta rutrum purus vel fringilla. Fusce gravida orci sit amet pulvinar viverra. Proin ultrices turpis vitae accumsan eleifend.